Swashata Ghosh

Founder @WPQuark - Created eForm - React, Node, WordPress - ❤️s Scooby & Shelly

Latest Projects

eForm - WordPress Form BuildereForm - WordPress Form Builder

eForm - WordPress Form Builder

Complete Form Solution for WordPress

eForm (Previously FSQM Pro) is an advanced and flexible form builder that can be integrated into your existing WordPress site. This is a complete form management solution, for quizzes, surveys, data collection, payment / cost estimation and user feedback of all kinds.

WPACK.IO - WordPress Bundler

WPACK.IO - WordPress Bundler

webpack based dev server & bundler for WordPress

wpack.io is a fine-tuned webpack/browser-sync configuration made specifically for WordPress Theme and Plugin Development. It gives a fine Developer Experience (DX) and a single dev dependency for all your javascript and css/sass/scss bundling requirements.

React FontIconPicker

React FontIconPicker

Pick font icons or SVG

React FontIconPicker is a React Component for displaying an interface to pick fonts or SVG out of a collection. It has built in support for Fuzzy Searcn, Categorization, pagination, Multi Picker, rendeing based on attribute, class or custom component.

Latest From Blog

Using multiple queries or entries on gatsbyjs createPages Node API

on October 24, 2018 • undergatsbyjs

Gatsbyjs Node API provides great many ways to create static pages for your application. The thing I like most about it is, the complete control it gives. Essentially to create a page, we need to Supply or of the page. A react component template. Data. NOTE : The article is written for gatsbyjs v2, and it may still work for v1. Gatsby doesn't care how and where the data came from, it can be…

WordPress Plugin Unit Test with BrainMonkey and PHPUnit

on June 16, 2018 • underWordPressPHPPHPUnit

So I am almost completely rewriting the codebase of EForm Plugin. While doing so, I took the opportunity to rewrite the Unit tests and use the latest PHPUnit (7.2). The problem was, official way of doing things does not (still) work with PHPUnit 7 and it loads all of WordPress and does real database stuff. This results in Integration tests and not Unit tests. I really hated that WordPress…

Keep VSCode tabs open by default

on June 07, 2018 • underVSCode

When you open a file in Visual Studio Code with a single click it by default enters in a preview mode. If you do not change the file content, and open another file, the first one will be closed and second one will replace the tab. Of course you can just double click the file in the sidebar to keep it open, but in cases when you are opening from command palette ( or ) having to double click…

Beautiful UI 1.2 for VSCode with minimal themes

on June 07, 2018 • underVSCode

I am glad to announce Beautiful UI 1.2 for Visual Studio Code . It has 5 new color themes. 4 of them are minimal color theme inspired by Subliminal from Dan Abramov . See them below. Minimal Yellow VSCode Color Theme Minimal Green VSCode Color Theme Minimal Purple VSCode Color Theme Minimal Blue VSCode Color Theme Also I really liked the background and foreground color of the minimal themes…