Full-stack web developer and WordPress geek.
Hey there, welcome to my blog. I like to consider myself a Web Engineer, focusing my mind on WordPress development. I have founded WPQuark WebTech Private Limited and developed quite a few numbers of WordPress plugins.
WordPress Theme and Plugin development are two of my strongest skills. It needlessly explains my proficiency in PHP, MySQL, jQuery/JS, CSS and HTML.
Apart from WordPress, I also like to find my way around System Administration stuff, like installing and managing full LEMP stack. You can read more about it in my first blog inTechGrity.
Very recently I have started digging into React, Redux, Node etc and loving it so far. I am even rebuilding eForm completely with React. This site itself is created with Gatsbyjs which uses React underneath. You can also find some of my open source projects from github.
When I am not doing these things, I am usually playing with my dogs Scooby and Shelly, or riding my Motor Cycle or just out having fun (or in some cases, just doing nothing).